virgo the lion-rider: the key to unlocking the secret of the sphinx

Out of the eater came something to eat.Out of the strong came something sweet. Raised I to LIGHT,the children of KHEM.Deep ‘neath the rocks,I buried my spaceship,waiting the time when man might be free. Over the spaceship,erected a marker in the formof a lion yet like unto man.There ‘neath the image rests yet my spaceship,forth…

body electric: demystifying the role of biophotonics in relation to the astral body

Light.   Let’s get weird and talk about our life force…our “light” force. Let’s talk about biophotonics. The term “biophotonics” denotes a combination of biology and photonics, with photonics being the science and technology of generation, manipulation, and detection of photons, quantum units of light. Photonics is related to electronics and photons. Photons play a central role in information technologies, such as fiber optics, the way electrons do…

latin lover

  Messenger. The wisdom of the ancients whispers – it never shouts or begs. The mouth of knowledge is closed to ears that refuse to listen. You have mastered the art of the cryptic…the secret language. But I would be a terrible oracle if I didn’t already know the truth. You bear the mark of…

broken glass

What is a soul? A soul is a shattered mirror. Millions of sparkling splinters. What is a soul? A thousand pieces of memories. A thousand pieces of broken glass. What is a soul? A dizzying display of jagged edges. A swirling black hole of chaos and stardust. What is a soul?