flower of carnage: in the land of blood and roses

A Hundred Shades of Violence/ In the Land of Blood and Roses domestic violence, depression and alcoholism in Eastern Europe (my future collection of short stories with unhappy endings) Come down to the Black Sea…swimming with me… Sarafovo; Burgas; dancing bears and toothless gypsies, icicle forests in the wintertime, two mice gnawing holes into the…

the key of 3 6 9 and the baltic sea anomaly

what lies beneath… the number 9, the eternal number of the Dragon bloodline. Wada waded 9 ells deep with his son, Weland (Volundr) on his shoulders. 9 ells is equal to 33 feet. 9 and 33 are always prominently featured in stories of the serpent seed. Odin hung for 9 days on a tree to…

the laws of manifestation + cracks in the multiverse

“The synchronicity and coincidences that abound in our lives suggest that the world may be organized like a randomized database (the multiverse) rather than a sequential library (the four-dimensional universe of conventional physics” – “Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact” by Jacques Vallee Hashing it out The more I study the intricacies of the multiverse…

the day time stood still

I’ve never put together a comprehensive recollection of my …”weird” experiences, but I am going to start doing so. I’ve kept a journal every year since the age of 6, but sadly, due to a series of unfortunate events that led me to distrust my abilities and doubt my instincts, I tore up hundreds of…