the paradise within: finding inner light and sound on the mystic path

Today: how the human body is the True Temple of the Spirit; that this life is a Golden Opportunity for the Liberation of the Soul; also, the Seven Stages of Mystic Ascension to Heaven; Ingredients of a Living Spiritual Path: Seven Gnostic-Sant Mat Parallels; the “Womb of Meditation” that gives birth to the realized soul…

hekate: keeper of the key, lover of hermes, guardian of the gate

Information on the Dragons of Hecate is hard to come by. The only things that have been found are related to Hecate’s three-fold nature (the three crossroads represent the gate to the realm of the Dragon) and [one of] Hecate’s old titles – “Propylaia” – “she who stands before the gate”. Hecate’s Hounds, the three-headed…

arcanum 9 – teth ט: the serpent and the hermit

You are walking The Path of Teth.Teth is the 9th path within the Tree of Life and the 9th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. (It is also recognized as “19” when all elements of the Tree are considered, including each of the 10 foundational Sephira: this is known as “The 32 Paths of Wisdom”.) Teth…

kore kosmou, setne khamwas, naneferkaptah, and imouth 9

Kore Kosmou 1 (possibly 1st century BCE or CE) I will not recount this Nativity, said Isis; I dare not, O powerful Horos, declare the origin of thy race, lest men in the future should learn the generation of the Gods. I will say only that the Supreme God, Creator and Architect of the world, at…

thoth’s prophecy of egypt: a dialogue with asclepius

Thoth’s Prophecy of Egypt – As Transmitted Through The Hermetica – a fragment from Asclepius III, one of the 17-20 distinct documents said to comprise the Hermetica which are defined, by the editor and translator Walter Scott, as those Greek and Latin writings which contain religious or philosophical teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus. Background This…

blood and metamorphosis: navigating your epigenetic memory

The Vortex of Origins A colorful yet incredible myriad of origin stories, myths and religions that make it impossible for the uninitiated to discern fact from fantasy. An understanding of true vampirism can only be gleaned through the visceral experience of becoming. – The Circle of Draconem Stop and ask for directions – because you…

cuetlaxcoapan: where serpents shed their skin

“You are ready”, Master told me. “Will you meet me there?”, I asked. “I will meet you there…with magic”. Water-bearers, guardians of the waters of life I met my ancestors in Cuetlaxcoapan, a place where serpents go to shed their skin. This is where I shed my skin on the mantle of youth –  where…

written in the stars

The Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, “When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge”. This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina…

the shape of water: mami wata and the rainbow serpent

As per usual, my mind has been writhing with tangled thoughts of the past, present and future – all thanks to my ancestor spirits who constantly hurl me down the proverbial rabbit (serpent!) hole that is human history. Tension headaches and incessant insomnia are nothing new, but they intensify during these periods of walking the…

the cosmic water-bearer

7 Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. 8 Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare for us to eat the Passover.” 9 “Where do You want us to prepare it?” they asked. 10 He answered, “When you enter the city, a man carrying…