erichthonius: father of tros and the house of troy

 HomeGreek MythologyCecrops & Erichthonius Cecrops & Erichthonius Cecrops was the first king to rule from Athens (his father-in-law, Actaeus, had his capital elsewhere in Attica). His torso, arms and head were human, but being earth-born his lower body was a serpent’s. Wise and virtuous, Cecrops taught his people the art of literature as well as the rites…

the royal house of lusignan visits america

As usual, I’ve been following the proverbial white rabbit down the long buried passageways of my ancestral history – but this week I found something truly extraordinary, and completely unexpected. I was visiting my parents last weekend, and my mother mentioned that she and my father had discovered that one of our ancestors had been…

my family’s giant secret: woden worhte weos

Are you ready for a story that is truly stranger than fiction? I had my genealogy revealed to me through a series of dreams. Impossible? Read on, young padawan (and that applies to me, just as much as it does to you!), read on… My awakening through dreams Last year changed my entire life. I…